About Us

Our tag line is Managing for Success. It means everybody wins – you, your organization and your customers. It means higher productivity and performance. It means managing for successful outcomes. PSG brings you the tools and the management practices to Manage for Success!

Our seasoned team of professionals combine hands-on line experience with years of consulting to large and small, domestic and international organizations. Our wide range of services, all directly linked to leadership, management, performance and productivity, has enabled us to address multiple client needs. These range from coach and confidante to CEOs to working closely with leadership and management in start-up and change management situation. The underlying philosophy is Managing for Success – the things you need to do right so that divisions, departments, teams and individuals are aligned and focused on achieving the mission and goals of the organization.

What does PSG do?
  • Performance management systems (including PSG’s online system)
  • Pay-for-performance compensation, market pricing and compensation structures
  • Diagnostic surveys – 360s, employee engagement, customer perception
  • Strategic planning facilitation
  • Executive coaching
  • Management and leadership training