At an operational level, a number of issues contribute to high turnover: the culture and environment, onboarding practices, pay practices, lack of clearly defined performance objectives, weak management and so on. But it all starts with the hiring process.

There are multiple components to successful recruiting, with one of the most critical being the use of testing during the screening process. Why do we need testing? Because candidates learn how to interview! As interviewers, we get caught up in the chemistry of the interview and frequently don’t ask the probing questions or drill down into potential areas of weakness because we’re enjoying the interview. We also have no way of truly knowing the behavioral characteristics of candidates and whether they are the right fit for the job.

One of the most effective tests available today is the DISC analysis, representing the characteristics of Dominance, Influence, Steadiness and Compliance. The online test takes a brief 10 to 12 minutes, has a 92% validity factor and provides an extraordinarily comprehensive array of behavioral characteristics and indicators. The importance? As an interviewer, you’re able to explore areas of concern. More importantly, you are able to determine whether a candidate has those characteristics that best fit the position requirements.

If you’re hiring an internal auditor, you don’t want someone who is low on the C scale (compliance) and doesn’t choose to follow the rules. You want a high C – an individual who is meticulous, detail driven and follows the rules. If you’re hiring a salesperson, you don’t want a low I (Influence) and not very social or a high S (steadiness) who is totally laid back with no sense of urgency!

You can also sharpen your approach by actually running DISC profiles on the most successful performers in a particular position. Look for common characteristics and then use these benchmarks as a guide.

Bear in mind that a behavioral test is only an indicator and a supplement to other comprehensive screening procedures, such as case studies, team interviews, presentations or mini projects. An ideal candidate profile is the essential scorecard — not gut feel, but a systematic process of evaluating all the desired candidate requirements. Ultimately, it may come down to chemistry and judgment, but we all need to do the homework.

DISC also can be used in coaching. In PSG coaching assignments, DISC analysis is one of our essential diagnostic tools, typically used in conjunction with the 360o review. The concept is simple: if one wants to change behaviors, one needs to understand behaviors. We have found DISC to be extremely effective and a powerful starting point in developing sound communication with the coachee.

In addition to the standard DISC analysis, we also offer clients the Sales Skills Index (SSI) that was developed from a series of questions on professional selling skills, including prospecting, qualifying, demonstration, influence and closing.

Here’s some feedback from two PSG clients who have benefited from DISC analysis:
“We use DISC for screening our candidate short list in every search we conduct for clients. We truly get a sense of the real person and the suitability of the match.”
— Dan Denehy, President, Granite Consulting

““We learned our lesson the hard way. We conducted a DISC analysis after we hired a senior manager someone to fill a key position. The DISC analysis that PSG conducted highlighted several s behaviors that clearly indicated that he was a poor fit for the job. He only lasted 6 months and was a set-back to this key area. Since then, we always use DISC before making
— Maritza Milanes, VP HR, SS White Burrs