Managing for Success!

(203) 653-4692

Management Training

Performance Management is designed to develop the skills required by managers to effectively manage their direct reports to Read More→

Managing Up addresses the approach through which direct reports manage the relationship with their manager so that both can be Read More→

Conducting Effective Performance Evaluations addresses an area of controversy and negativity. The program deals with the importance of Read More→

Performance Coaching is an expanded version of the concepts developed in the performance management program. The focus is on Read More→

Managing with Emotional Intelligence provides the tools and framework to improve our ability to manage ourselves and Read More→

Transitioning into Management is designed to provide new managers with the skills necessary to manage and uses the Read More→

Leading Teams provides team leaders with the skills to manage their team to meet their objectives. Participants explore the Read More→

Team Building, using the DISC Behavioral Assessment, is a highly customized workshop to address the needs of managers or individual contributors striving to Read More→

Diagnostic Surveys of Management Practices provides in-depth instruction in the tools available to management to obtain objective, uncontaminated perceptions of Read More→

This program focuses on the basics of management, starting with performance objectives and Read More→

The PSG mentoring program builds on the coaching skills developed in the course Read More→

Executive Coaching Consulting Training Diagnostics