Managing for Success!

(203) 653-4692

Growing from Manager to Leader

It worked because she realized it was not all about her – it was about everyone else whom she had to lead and she worked at listening, developing her emotional intelligence and letting go.

  • VP, largest division of a major public company
  • Seven direct reports and with numerous external customers
  • Highly successful female executive with liberal arts background, working in a culture of male engineers
1. Coaching Focus:
  • Develop more strategic thinking, transitioning from a tactical, project management frame of reference to developing high potential as a leader
  • Delegate effectively, including decision-making and avoiding tendency to micro-manage
  • Improve staff meeting procedures
  • Gather the facts and respond in a balanced, well-prepared manner, demonstrating leadership
  • Manage time more effectively with less activity and more focus on strategic issues
  • Develop an effective approach to managing up
2. Coachee’s Perceptions of the Outcomes:
  • She worked more effectively with her direct reports, addressing the criticisms raised:
    • Rush to make decisions
    • Unwillingness to listen
    • Lack of self-awareness, self-regulation and empathy
    • Disorganization and poor meeting management (meetings became regularly scheduled and held, far more information sharing. more healthy debate of the issues)
    • Micro-management (a challenge in the culture of exceptional focus on detail, starting with the CEO)
    • Need to become more strategic and focused on leadership behaviors.
  • She significantly improved her ability to manage up effectively to a demanding and imperious division president, who praised her progress, acknowledging the challenge of managing up to him.
  • She disciplined herself not to respond too quickly to situations, focusing on:
    • Utilizing her specialists (rather than herself) to gather the data
    • Sensible push-back on requests for immediate information and details;
    • Care in communicating responses to situations.
  • She extricated herself from operating detail, was able to develop strategic relationships across divisions and became involved in industry-wide issues.
  • She rebuilt relationships with direct reports.
3. Coachee’s Focus Going Forward:
  • Self-awareness and raising level of EI
  • Industry awareness, identifying and working on strategic issues
  • Promoting visibility and relationships at highest levels in the company
  • Slowing down and focusing on priorities
  • Fully delegating, balanced with ongoing accountability from direct reports

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