Leadership Working Effectively as a Team

  • Is your leadership working effectively as a team?
  • High performance starts with trust. Is there mutual trust?
  • Is there healthy conflict, where participants speak up in a climate of psychological safety?
  • Do you develop consensus, together with mutual accountability for delivering on commitments?
  • Does the President/CEO manage team meetings effectively?
  • Do division/department heads facilitate communication and collaboration to avoid the silos that are obstacles to performance and productivity?

Positive responses are the foundation for high-performing teams.

PSG's Approach:

  • Each member of the leadership team completes a behavioral intelligence assessment, which addresses behavioral profile and emotional intelligence (EQ level).
  • The leadership team completes an online survey on how they function as a team. Portions of this survey are completed by direct reports one level below to obtain their perceptions of how leadership functions. The survey consists of two categories:
    • Working together at team meetings
    • Working together in the course of business
  • One-on-one feedback and coaching is given to each participant on the results of the behavioral assessments, with learnings to be shared with team members in a facilitated session.
  • At the first facilitated session, each member's learnings are presented, with constructive observations offered by peers, based on their perceptions. This provides insights into an individual's behavior, together with the ability to recognize behaviors in others and modify one's style to be more effective. This open communication of personal characteristics is a solid step towards building trust.
  • The follow-up facilitated session addresses the findings from the online survey with action plans developed to address the issues raised:
    • Issues surface that were never discussed or addressed.
    • The exercise is, in fact, team-building, with team members working collaboratively toward addressing their issues, a substantive step in working together to solve problems.
    • The President/CEO, as the leader, has the insights, supported by team consensus, to lead the team to higher levels of performance and productivity.
    • A new ethos is established for the leadership team to function effectively.
The program works! There is no downside.

Contact Performance-Solutions-Group, Inc.

For more information, please contact us at (203) 653-4692 or info@performance-solutions-group.com.