When coaching for success, here are some key points to remember:
  • Do the diagnostics – the homework!
  • Talk to the people – direct reports, peers, manager, and internal customers – and read the most recent 360.
  • What are the derailers? What actions, behaviors or attitudes are getting in the way of success?
  • Find out the performance objectives. We’re coaching for improved performance – always.
  • Recognize the issues. Is this a candidate who is failing and needs a lifeline or a hi-po striving for success with some blind spots or potential derailers? Perhaps it’s a young manager needing additional guidance in leadership and management skills.
  • Probe for the real issues – what’s really getting in the way?
  • Understand the behavioral characteristics – assessments help.
  • Follow-up on lessons learned by the coachee and reinforce.
  • Get the coachee to share experiences – what’s working, what isn’t.
  • Provide tools and techniques for coaching skills and managing with EI.
  • Give homework (including reading assignments).
  • Get commitment to change, the key ingredient for success.