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Leveraging Employee Perceptions

We just completed our fifth annual employee survey for Toronto-based Spin Master Toys, an international toy manufacturer with offices in Hong Kong, China, Paris, London, Mexico City and Los Angeles. The multi-language survey was used to gather employee feedback on a wide range of topics, including job satisfaction, quality of the work environment, compensation and benefits and confidence in the leadership team. The survey breaks out responses by location, by function within location and by function across the entire organization. With input from PSG, Spin Master uses the results to shape its future HR plans and initiatives.

When asked about the survey, Anton Rabie, the firm’s president and CEO, said: “We’re a company that cares about our people. All our creativity and innovation flow from a motivated, high-performing workforce. We need to know what employees think and whether we are responding effectively to the issues raised in the last survey. That’s the value of having benchmarks.”

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