Archive for July, 2012
Performance Management is designed to develop the skills required by managers to effectively manage their direct reports to Read More→
Managing Up addresses the approach through which direct reports manage the relationship with their manager so that both can be Read More→
Conducting Effective Performance Evaluations addresses an area of controversy and negativity. The program deals with the importance of Read More→
Performance Coaching is an expanded version of the concepts developed in the performance management program. The focus is on Read More→
Managing with Emotional Intelligence provides the tools and framework to improve our ability to manage ourselves and Read More→
Transitioning into Management is designed to provide new managers with the skills necessary to manage and uses the Read More→
Leading Teams provides team leaders with the skills to manage their team to meet their objectives. Participants explore the Read More→
Team Building, using the DISC Behavioral Assessment, is a highly customized workshop to address the needs of managers or individual contributors striving to Read More→
Diagnostic Surveys of Management Practices provides in-depth instruction in the tools available to management to obtain objective, uncontaminated perceptions of Read More→
Leadership Principles, using the LPI (Life Practices Inventory), creates a solid foundation for understanding and answering the Read More→
Leadership and Influence identifies what successful leaders do, the meaning and impact of leadership, leadership styles, the importance of Read More→
Pay-for Performance Compensation is the process of rewarding employees based on performance. It focuses on annual merit increases to base salary to Read More→
Effective Use of Compensation Structures focuses on the development of salary grades and ranges which recognize differences in position responsibilities to Read More→
Q: Is it possible that an incentive plan was good during robust economic times, but isn’t good when the economy is in serious recession, like now?
A: Yes. If the plan is inherently well designed, the big change that’s required is to reset performance objectives, particularly quantitative ones. These need to be realistic to avoid setting up employees for failure. Nothing is more demotivating than unattainable targets. The challenge is determining what’s realistic!
Following an eye-opening employee engagement survey and as part of an overall strategic planning exercise, the managing partner of a regional accounting firm engaged PSG to conduct a comprehensive series of integrated mini-projects. The first step was to conduct 360o reviews for all the partners. The goal – to identify the strengths and areas for improvement and then leverage the results into a stronger, more focused organization. This would reflect strengths, optimize the talents of both partners and staff and, at the same time, recognizing gaps and weakness.
Following the individual feedback and coaching to partners, we worked with the partners to develop the strategic plan, addressing the following key issues: